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Greenlight Highlight | The Space Garden

Title: The Space Garden
Developer: Max Indie Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Casual Simulation

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A easy to pick-up game where you create a garden in a 2D view of space. While easy to pick up and play, as you get further you unlock new plant types, and risk the interference of outside forces.

What do we like most about it?

What starts looking like a simple artstyle with a simple idea actually escalates into what is essentially a management game as -if left unchecked- your want to rush forward can create a whole mass of issues further down the line. I especially enjoy the massive extreme in teh quantity of options available to the player through the screenshots; where the video shows 3/4 choices of plants to grow, there’s a screenshot where the bottom of the screen is lined with choices, and not one looks like anything in the video.

When’s it due?

The Space Garden is currently listed for an October 2016 launch for Windows PC.

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