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Greenlight Highlight | Sausage Sports Club

Sausage Sports Club - LogoTitle: Sausage Sports Club
Developer: Luckshot Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Physics based Sports Game

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Various up-to eight player games with wacky, long-necked animals as player characters. Nutty physics mishaps imminent at all times.

What do we like most about it?

It just, simply, looks really fun; combining the physics driven, drunk-like combat of Gang Beasts with bright and colourful party games that instantly reminded me of frantic moments in the Mario Party series. I’ve said physics twice already, so I’d best explain that now for those who haven’t watched the trailer; each of the characters have a long neck, their head swinging around as a reaction to your travel. This leads to you walloping friend and foe away, or getting your jumps obstructed as your head locks around another’s.

Alongside the five game-modes shown in the trailer below, there’s a fair degree of customisation; approx 15 characters, each with 2-4 skins, and around 50 hats. This should be more than enough to keep players unique enough from one another (a common problem in an arena game with 4+ players).

As well as the online (yes, not forced local play) mode there’s also a local co-op mode and plans for an offline mode which can be played against AI.

It all sounds pretty cool to me!

When’s it due?

Sausage Sports Club is currently on [Kickstarter] where it is showing a predicted launch date of May 2017 for Windows PC & Mac.

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