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Greenlight Highlight | NAIRI

nairi-logoTitle: Nairi
Developer: Home Bear Studio
[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

Graphic Adventure Puzzler.

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Nairi and Rex, an unexpected duo, team up to uncover the mysteries laid at the foundations of the alluring desert oasis city of Shirin. Solve puzzles, and make choices that will branch the story in this quirky, cute, point and click adventure game.

What do we like most about it?

The setting, characters and artwork of the game are absolutely wonderful to behold, it has the warmth and welcoming of the Professor Layton series, and it’s dusty, exotic world is interesting and begging to be explored and exposed.

I think, I think it’s also the fact that the entire game just seems extremely accessible due to all of the above, be that due to all of the above, and the friendly innocence that said artwork gives off.

The developers are looking for an extremely humble €7,500 to finish the project over on Kickstarter, and while I’m normally unimpressed when games take to both Kickstarter and greenlight simultaneously, the current proof on concept, short time left until completion, and low request for funding bodes well on us seeing a completed project soon.

When’s it due?

Nairi is currently listed for a March 2017 release date. Currently it is only showing as planned for the Windows PC platform.

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