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Greenlight Highlight | Mortido

mortido-logoTitle: Mortido
Developer: Corner Studio
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Stealth Adventure

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Explore the haunting past of seven individual’s souls on judgement day, choose whether you stand with light or dark as you sneak, or fight, your way through the moments that defined their lives.

What do we like most about it?

Admittedly the Greenlight pitch is a little bit poorly translated, with several moments of it contradicting itself. Do we use stealth or just fight? It says we can only choose from light or darkness, but must face all regardless. It says we play mostly as Cleo, but often switch between the full selection of characters.

The pitch might be a little bit confusing, but the artwork and animation work on the game is fantastic, and the small moments of setting that can be grasped from the greenlight page -while obscure- is intriguing.

I hope to find out a little bit more about Mortido as development continues, assuming a good job has been done of translation then it’s definitely got a high chance of becoming a sales success.

When’s it due?

Mortido is currently targeted for a Spring 2018 release date, when it does launch it will do so for Windows PC, Mac & Linux.

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