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Greenlight Highlight | Monkey Land 3D: Reaper Rush

reaper-rush-logoTitle: Monkey Land 3D: Reaper Rush
Developer: FMJ Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

3D Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Explore a mysterious, and dangerous island as Mugen the pirate monkey.

What do we like most about it?

While the game certainly doesn’t look as polished as it could be, the audio is a little off, and the camera seems a bit too tight to the character (phew)… it does capture most of the traits of the classic era of 3D platformers; nutty character upgrades, a strange world, and a complete disregard to how the bodies of both ordinary and extraordinary beasts and creatures work.

Between the trailer and the gifs on the store page there’s a massive amount of tight 3D platforming, as well as areas restricted by abilities, on show, as well as some really good level design. That said, it certainly doesn’t look as though it’ll create many new fans for the genre, but it certainly looks set to delight existing ones.

When’s it due?

Monkey Land 3D: Reaper Rush is expected to launch in early 2017 for Windows PC.

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