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Greenlight Highlight | Madrobot X

Title: Madrobot X
Developer: NetoX
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Arcade vertical shooter

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Classic vertical shooter but with an extremely polished visual style and a lock-and-strafe option available for your main ship.

What do we like most about it?

Solid, cartoon-style, 16bit art-style combined with exceptionally appropriate music, and super-smooth animation? There’s really not much to dislike about this little gem.

All of that said, I think I’m more interested in that fact that among it’s list of features is one section that reads “Gameplay adjustments(hitbox, touchscreen, hp recovery, etc..)” If I am reading this correctly then there’s actually quite a few options within the game to custom define the difficulty rating of the game by altering health regeneration and enemy hitbox generosity. If that’s the case then this should certainly have been the top feature on the list – the shooter genre can’t be called inconsistent, but features like that could accidentally trigger a bout of innovation within the genre that, well, will be great for it.

When’s it due?

MadRobot X is set to release for PC later this year.

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