Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Mad Mage Tower

Mad Mage Tower - LogoTitle: Mad Mage Tower
Developer: Diel Mormac Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

You have 150 challenging floors to overcome using a combination of platforming reflexes, and solving puzzles using magic.

What do we like most about it?

I really like the selection of spells on show in the game, and the fact that the protagonist is practically unarmed, surviving challenging trap levels and defeating bosses through timing, while also clearing puzzle levels using tact and magic.

Also, the simplistic, Gameboy-inspired visuals suits this game down to the ground – it looks brilliant!

When’s it due?

Mad Mage Tower is just over 40% complete currently, with a link to a 25-level-long alpha available through the greenlight page. The development team is looking to launch into Early Access shortly after being greenlit, with the game immediately playable for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux.

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