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Greenlight Highlight | The Legend of Tobimaru

tobimaru-logoTitle: The Legend of Tobimaru
Developer: Chestnut Game Studio
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Adventure Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Defend your family and reclaim your clan as you fight through the woodland trees to overcome your foes and win the victory.

What do we like most about it?

The game combines visuals and gameplay that are clearly inspired by Shinobi with a beat-em-up in that your enemies have health bars. There’s also a levelling up system as well as items to interact with in order to clear the levels, levers and the like.

It’s extremely promising, and a lot of care has gone into the project so far. That said, there’s not much of a level variety on show (although the gameplay loop seems fun enough) and a lot of the enemies shown in the trailer do tend to wait patiently for you to approach as opposed to trying to close the gap, or back off and gain better ground. These are minor things however, and they don’t seem to get in the way of what the game wants to be; it certainly looks like a lot of fun from what is on show.

When’s it due?

The Legend of Tobimaru is scheduled in for an early 2017 release date. When it launches it will do so for Windows PC, Mac, Linux.

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