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Greenlight Highlight | High Noon Revolver

Title: High Noon Revolver
Developer: Mwaayk
Publisher: Spaceboy Games

[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Arcade Shooter

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Hunt down wanted outlaws through the Wild West, Haunted Mansions, Sunken Ships and more, as you play a bounty hunting Chicken, or Robot, or maybe even a cowboy.

What do we like most about it?

The game’s pace is brutal, encouraging you to keep moving to face off the foes that approach you through the three platforms of each level, evading arrows and missiles, while facing off against crows, or divers, or ghosts. The well defined art style brings that pace together well, and from the trailer tunes it sounds like the sound and music will keep the pace up too.

My only concern would be the amount of replayability, although the local co-op should resolve any worries there in most cases.

When’s it due?

High Noon Revolver is set to release in 2017 for Windows PC.

At time of writing High Noon Revolver is already greenlit.

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