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Greenlight Highlight | Far From Noise

far-from-noise-logoTitle: Far From Noise
Developer: George Batchelor
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Narrative Exploration

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Their car stuck, hanging off a cliff edge; introspective and nature their only companions as the sunsets on a beautiful scene, albeit one dominated by the threat of imminent death.

What do we like most about it?

The subtle changes in lighting as daylight passes into night is absolutely sublime. The unshifting angle of the viewpoint onto the character is very novel, with the slight changes of the scene driven by the narrative choices you make in the game punctuating the situation you’re stuck in.

There’s not too much to see over on the greenlight page, however anyone who considers themselves a fan of the structure of choose your own adventure games, or early text adventures, can surely see the appeal of such a wonderful looking game.

When’s it due?

Far From Noise is set to launch on Windows PC, Mac & Linux later on this year.

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