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Greenlight Highlight | Epic Tavern



Title: Epic Tavern
Developer: Hyperkinectic Studios
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?
A strategic adventure RPG game that’s also a simulation!

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?
You run your Tavern in a fantasy world called Beor, where you manage all aspects, sending heroes on quests, reaping rewards, and making choices that in turn will effect the mood and atmosphere of your Tavern.

What do we like most about it?
The idea of sitting comfortably within your Tavern while you send heroes to do the work for you sounds quite appealing. Nothing better than sitting around, serving pints, recruiting heroes, and keeping tabs on said heroes.

Anything else worth shouting about?
Each hero that enters the Tavern will have their own characteristics, strengths, and flaws, if’s up to you to decide who you send on specific quests. Send a tired hero…you’ll possibly never see them again. Because they’ll be dead. Because of you.

When’s it due?
Epic Tavern was Greenlit on the 11th June 2016, it’s expected to launch for PC in the first quarter of 2017.

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