Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Dog Duty

Dog Duty - LogoTitle: Dog Duty
Developer: Zanardi & Liza
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Tactical Action

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Top down strategy controls allow you to tactically control an elite squad of misfits as they attempt to liberate an open world from the occupying forces of evil.

What do we like most about it?

I’m really impressed with what the team have managed to do in bringing together the isometric real time strategy layer of the tactics games of the 90s and early 00s and a sleek, clean and charming modern open-world environment.

While the controls do look a little awkward at times, it’s easy to see how certain parts of the game world tie together, and how the game looks set to build up to instances where flanking and pincer attacks will overpower superior numbers at the players fingers.

The lack of a release date is a little concerning, but I’m impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

When’s it due?

Dog Duty is currently listed for release next year, as of yet there are no specified formats although the game is made in Unity, and so can likely be packaged for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux.

  1. Hugo Vaz says

    Hi Dan! My name is Hugo Vaz and I’m the artist of Dog Duty. I’d like to invite you to revisit our greenlight page since we have a better video and some new screenshots. About the launch date is a little too early to set anything more precise than ‘2017’, but what I can tell is that most of our features are implemented, setting ground for a stable alpha stage. Thanks for you review!

    1. Dann Sullivan says

      Hi Hugo!

      Thank for the reply; I had a quick look at the updated trailer, and you’re right, it’s vastly better.

      No worries, that’s completely understandable; and when you are happy to compile a playable build feel free to contact us via e-mail and we’ll get a first impressions/preview drummed up on it – as it looks right up our street.

      Best Regards,

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