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Greenlight Highlight | Cursebreaker

cursebreaker-logoTitle: Cursebreaker
Developer: Iced Lizard Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Action Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Cursebreaker is a pixel perfect NES-era style action-platfomer where you wield a magic staff as you fight your way through cursed lands to try and save the world by lifting the evil curse.

What do we like most about it?

The reason I came back to Cursebreaker, and decided to feature it was the attention that had gone into the animation in the game, everything moves extremely smoothly, the fireballs and magic animations look fantastic, and the speed of the character and jump distance just look right.

I know that last bit is an odd thing to say, but the resting speed of a character, and the distance that they jump is becoming increasingly critical when it comes to separating the type and difficulty of a platformer. Needless to say, Cursebreaker looks extremely well made and well refined, even in some of the tougher looking moments as highlighted with some of the GIFs over on the Greenlight Page.

When’s it due?

Cursebreaker is set to launch for Windows PC, Mac & Linux in early 2017.

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