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Greenlight Highlight | Crash Wheels

Crash Wheels - LogoTitle: Crash Wheels
Developer Silent River
[Greenlight Page

What type of game is it?

Sandbox Physics Driving

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A driving game where you simply have to keep your vehicle intact and on the path while ramps, swinging traps, and aggressive AI try to topple you.

What do we like most about it?

I really like some of the wackier ramp set ups that are on show in the trailer, that and the swinging traps. I had a lot of fun with Landfall Games’ Super Truck – a take on a splicing of Super Hot’s tense time-warping successes with their own Cluster Truck a game where you have to jump from vehicle to vehicle as to reach the end of the level without touching the floor. Crash Wheels takes that formula and adds more ramps, and more traps into the mix, which, for me is a winning combination.

When’s it due?

Crash Wheels is due out later this year for PC, Mac & Linux



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