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Ghost Recon: Wildlands ‘Mission Briefing’ Trailer Released, Beta Applications Open

Ubisoft have released a new trailer for next year’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands showcasing the game’s story, as well as giving us a glimpse at the variety of destructive ways we can approach the game’s targets.

Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon series has changed a lot over the fifteen years since it’s inception, from it’s tight, unforgiving tactical shooter origin through it’s dabbling with a more high-tech future, to next year’s open-world, high-chaos experience.

Their new trailer, at the bottom of this article, shows off some of the tools you’ll be expected to use as you think on your feet; drones, vehicles, explosives, as well as some very cool looking set pieces. Whether the set pieces shown are just that, or whether they came about dynamically is yet to be seen, but regardless it’s extremely high adrenaline, and intriguing.

I’m a fan of the ability to pick off where and how you strike at the cartel. It’s reminiscent of Crackdown’s structure, where you don’t need to take out certain enemies, but it certainly reduces the amount of blind luck and planning you need if you do that the thorough approach.

Ubisoft also announced that beta registration is now open for the title, you can do so over on the GR portal.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands launches on March 7th for PC, Xbox One & PS4.

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