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Get Yourself an SD Card, Some Nintendo Switch Game Sizes Have Been Confirmed

Nintendo have announced some game sizes for their titles on their Japanese website, and well…you’re going to need an SD card.

On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, they have started adding card sizes to the games sub sites, giving us a good insight into how much memory you’re going to need. Now bear in mind the Switch is said to be a 32GB model, which is actually less than that due to the consoles firmware and all that other technical stuff going on taking up a good chunk of that internal space.

In addition to that the games sizes are quite…big, while I have nosed through the Nintendo website, Gamespot gave a nicely detailed list.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 13.4 GB
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 8.00 GB
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris – 1.09 GB
  • Disgaea 5 – 5.92 GB
  • Snipperclips – 1.60 GB
  • I Am Setsuna – 1.40 GB
  • Nobunaga’s Ambition – 5.00 GB

And now, I’ve left one out because, let’s just talk about this. The console’s internal memory is, well technically less than 32GB. But in order to play Dragon Quest Heroes I & II, you are going to need to go and get an external SD card anyway because it sits at 32.00 GB. That’s a whopping big size, and quite frankly I’m unsure why Nintendo even agreed to release a 32GB model. Maybe they’re going to up it to a 1TB model towards the end of the year with a Nintendo Switch Pro.

Some other titles haven’t had their sizes confirmed yet, but we haven’t got long to wait now anyway as the Switch arrives next Friday on the 3rd March.

All I know is that while some of the listed sizes aren’t fairly big sizes, if you don’t get external SD card, you’ll be deleting games on the system to make more room, so get stocking up on some good SD cards.

Source: Nintendo Japan

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