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GameBlast17 Taking Place This Month, Raising Money For Disabled Gamers

UK run charity, SpecialEffect are hosting their three day gaming event, GameBlast17 this month on the 24th February to the 26th February.

SpecialEffect, are a charity dedicated to raising funds for disabled people who desire to play games but lack the support needed. Sometimes it could be the fact that they used to enjoy playing video games, but an event or developing health issue has stopped them from being able to play games. It could be that they’ve always wanted to play games but have never been able to have the means to do so. They end up missing out on hundreds of titles that they may like.

By using technology ranging from modified joypads to eye-control, we’re finding a way for people to play to the very best of their abilities.

But we’re not just doing it for fun. By levelling the playing field, we’re bringing families and friends together and having a profoundly positive impact on therapy, confidence and rehabilitation. – SpecialEffect

SpecialEffect are hosting a gaming event titled, “GameBlast17” on the last weekend of February 2017. It will span across the 24th to the 26th and they have a goal to raise £150,000. If you fancy taking part you can read the FAQ here.

Anyone can get involved with it by hosting their own gaming marathon, or gaming event. Be that doing a live stream, pub quiz, firewalk, sitting in a tub of insects maybe too!? Basically, any way you can think of raising money. It’s suggested that if planning to take part you hold your event during the weekend the event takes place if possible. If not, then get raising when you can. You can take part individually, as a group of buddies, or as an organisation.

“It’ll let us visit people to find out exactly what they want to play, and what they need to play it. We’ll then match, modify or create equipment to lend to them, and give support so they can get the best out of it.” – SpecialEffect on how donations help

We have three members of our writing team that are actually a part of this event. Rob is taking part in GameBlast17 and has already raised 22% of his £250 target at the time I write this post. He’s going to be running a 24 hour gaming marathon. Good luck, and stock up on coffee or other energy adding refreshments!

Kate and Pete, Our other two writers are ambassadors for the SpecialEffect charity and they both started up, “Gaming for Others about five years ago and run their own charity marathon over the Easter weekend raising money for the SpecialEffect charity. They also ran a video giving tips on running a gaming marathon. You can watch the video here.

I asked Kate why people should consider getting involved with the charity, and her response was,

SpecialEffect are a group of amazing people doing their best every single day to help people who just want to be able to compete against their friends and family in a passtime many of us take for granted. The money you raise helps people in real time, and they are unimaginably grateful for every penny you send their way. By getting involved in GameBlast you can make a very real difference to the lives of fellow gamers and their families. – Kate England-Moore

GameBlast’s last three weekend events in 2013-2016 raised a huge total of over £400,000. This sum has allowed hundreds of disabled people to begin, or continue enjoying video games. A huge achievement.

If you take part in the event, or if you’re just watching and donating, then you can head over to the main Gameblast17 website and click about. If you wish to find out more about SpecialEffect then here is their website.

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