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Economic Conquest; Developer Releases Full Playthrough Following Speedy Greenlight Progress


Economic Conquest is the first foray onto Steam for long-term mobile developer Frismos. They launched their Steam Greenlight campaign back on the 5th of December, where it exceeded the developer’s expectations and managed to accrue votes enough that they had almost ‘half of the progress needed to get to the top 100 mark on Greenlight.’

To celebrate this they released the below gameplay footage of a three party scenario based around a race to $10million.

It serves as a great highlight of the game’s mechanics and objectives, with the player rapidly juggling loans in order to fund upgrades and buyouts of the opposing factions land. The footage runs long at around 23minutes, but it’s well worth watching as around the midway point all three factions are running major daily turnovers and start snatching land from one-another.

We also get a look at the events which can change the value of each of the various resources and alter the cost of performing certain actions; upgrading, buying out, influencing.

Economic Conquest is currently on Steam Greenlight, the developer has stated that it will release for Windows PC shortly after it has passed through the process.

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