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E3 2017 | Strange Brigade -Pulp, Wave-Defence Shooter- Detailed with Trailer

Rebellion’s latest title takes players around the world, investigating the supernatural and fighting off baddies as members of the titular Strange Brigade.

Strange Brigade, which  was originally announced just before E3 came to pass, is out in force at E3 this year. On the showfloor at the event there is a playable demo on both the nVidea and Xbox stands, and it also got some -albeit short- feature time in Microsoft’s ID@Xbox reel.

The game follows the adventures of a group of misfits as they journey through various dangerous settings in the game’s 1930’s pulp inspired setting. It’s all narrated by an early 20th century inspired radio-broadcaster, and will see players fighting back mummies, demons, and various occult entities around the Empire.

Up to four players work cooperatively, navigating and surviving in lost cities and the ruins of fallen civilisations. Each of the game’s settings feature puzzles which must be solved with careful aiming and timing, as well as character specific hidden areas. Players earn money as they make their way through each level which can be used to upgrade and buy weapons and ammo as they progress – they can also piece together amulets which are tied to character’s supercharge abilities.

The game is currently in alpha, with an Egypt level on show at the event. You can find a short trailer which discusses some features below.

Strange Brigade is in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC. It’s a little too early to talk about launch dates, but we’ll keep you posted.

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