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E3 2017 | CODE VEIN Trailer & Details Confirm PC, PS4, Xbox One Launch

CODE VEIN, Bandai Namco’s upcoming RPG, received a minute-long showcase on Microsoft’s stage at E3, with more details on the new IP coming to light in the following hours.

Following the title’s reveal earlier on in the year there’s not been much in the way of details on Bandai Namco’s next title. Following the presentation of the game, however, more details about the game’s story and setting have come to light.

Code Vein follows the story of two amnesiac heroes as they make their way through a post-apocalyptic Earth attempting to recover their lost-memories. It’s not all fun and games however, as the world has been overrun with Lost, mindless ghouls devoid of humanity, as well as a cult of Revenants going by the name of Vein.

The source of the world ending disaster is unknown, but there’s definitely a hint in the buildings, from skyscrapers to supermarkets, and the strange Thorns of Judgement that protrude from them wherever you look.

The game reportedly includes a system wherein players can gain more powerful skills by trading off humanity; be that their own, or that of their enemies. There’s obviously some Vampire-ness at play also, as a thirst for blood in exchange for gifts is mentioned, whether that ties into the previously mentioned system or not.

CODE VEIN (I assume we have to capitalise this every time) is set to launch for Xbox One, PS4 & PC (digital) in 2018.

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