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E3 2017 – A Way Out, From Brothers Director, Coming Early 2018

The game will feature a co-op-only experience providing emphasis on a unique experience for each player.

During EA Play at E3 2017, ‘Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons’ director Josef Fares announced a new game coming under the ‘EA Originals’ iniciative, called ‘A Way Out’.

The game tells the story of Vincent and Leo, two convicts who will cross paths in jail and live a series of adventures from that point on, with a twist. Gameplay in ‘A Way Out’ can only be realised via co-op – whether couch or online – with each player controlling one of the two men. The whole way through, each player will see the game from the eyes of their character in split screen, with the possibility of one playing while the other is in a cutscene.

You can enjoy the trailer – fresh out of the oven – right below.

Yosef Fares is excited for everybody to experience A Way Out when it releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Origin Early next year. In the meantime, take a look at the game on the screenshots below.

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