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Dye (Xbox One) Video Review — Pixilated Precision Platformer


Bat Country Games’ Dye is a precision platformer which sees you, as Hue, rescue Pigments throughout the game’s four unique worlds and the 56 levels split between them.

Bat County Games‘ console debut comes in the form of tough, stylish retro-style platformer Dye, which has recently launched onto the Xbox One, North American, storefront.

With 560 pigments to collect throughout the over-fifty levels (including challenge levels and boss fights) there’s plenty of game there for perfectionists, and with a scaling difficulty level — as well as difficulty mode options — it’s still accessible for nascent platformer players.

In addition to the deluge of levels, the game also has a 19-track strong OST, which is a delight to listen to, and matches the setting perfectly.

Dye is available now for PC, via Steam, but is also — as of recently — available on the North American Xbox One storefront, which you can find Stefan’s review of above.

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