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Dev Interview And Launch Trailer For The Little Acre Released


The Little Acre launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC day, and to celebrate the project’s completion they have released their launch trailer as well as a video showing a retrospective on the development by the two project leads.

The Little Acre launched today, and we have our review on the game up on the site which can be found by clicking here!

The game follows Aidan and his daughter, Lily, on a hunt to find his missing father, but they end up in a dangerous fantasy world. It’s all punctuated with amazing, hand drawn animations, and fantastic voice acting.

It’s developed by Pewter Games Studios, and published by Curve Digital, who have released a launch interview viewable below. The two leads talk about the game and the development trials, while having a good laugh. The video is 7 minutes long, so grab yourself a drink and sit back!

Also released was the launch trailer, which you can see below.

You can grab the game on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Curve Digital YouTube

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