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Constructor HD Demo Available Now on Steam, Coming Soon to PS4

System 3 have announced that a demo version of Constructor HD is now available on Steam, and coming soon to the Playstation 4.

Constructor HD -the remake of the 1997 strategy title- which is set to launch this year across multiple formats, has received a demo version, which is now available on Steam.

The original title, for those unaware, sees you charged by the local council to develop land with property – the issue? There’s other people trying to do the same. Thankfully, there’s no obligation to play fair; Constructor’s mid-game is rife with deployment of thugs, mafiosos, and hippies, as efforts to try and turf out the opposition’s tenants – and, it’s late game is normally even more explosive.

It was an isometric affair, all played out from a strategy layer, and had players indirectly battle other property developers, while also trying to balance the needs of higher paying residents. If you can set up your own supply-and-demand factory systems then you can build your own TVs and home security items, with those you can bring in people who can afford the higher rent, and as such buy more land to expand — but, other factions will be trying to turf our your tenants, squat in vacant sitting-rooms, and… well, blow stuff up and possess people.

The demo includes an approximately 40~ minute tutorial, and then allows 12 minutes of unrestricted free play. It’s live on Steam now (here), and will be on PS4 soon.

Constructor HD will launch on Xbox One, PS4 & PC soon; it’s also due to launch for Nintendo Switch at some point later this year.

You can find the latest trailer, based on one of the game’s 8 undesirable (effective against rival units/buildings) below.

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