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Caveblazers, Fast-Paced Rogue Platformer Hits Beta Landmark


Caveblazers, a fast-paced dungeon-delve dominated by a clever friend-or-foe NPC system reminiscent of the Souls series, has reached it’s Beta milestone in development.

The game, which launched onto Steam Early access in April of this year following a successful Greenlight campaign, has come a massive way during it’s time in the programme. When I first played it shortly after launch the core controls were in place, as well as select other systems, however it definitely felt like it was at the start of it’s journey, feeling quite shallow and unexceptional.

The title has, however, really come into its own with recent improvements. There’s a veritable deluge of items to be found and equipped, the perk system feels robust with each option weighted, and the various boosts completely change the pace of the game. There’s also tough of nails bosses, and even if you take four, or five, allied NPCs in with you, you’ll need to be at your best in order to survive them.

You can find the latest trailer below . If you like what you see then definitely give the game a look over on Steam, it’s currently down on discount in the Autumn sale.

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