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Video Game Reviews
Sparklite — The Legend of Zelda inspired Rogue-lite !
Sparklite has a great premise, some great pixel graphics and a soundtrack that didn’t make me want to throw the controller at the TV after the 10th run but it ultimately doesn’t take all the ingredients it has on offer to make an astounding…
Children of Zodiarcs — A rich tactical experience with plenty of heart to spare
Children of Zodiarcs is a turn-based, strategic JRPG in which the player must manage a hand of cards and a fistful of dice for each character they control, blending the worlds of video and traditional board gaming.
AVICII Invector — Musical spaceships
At its most basic AVICII Invector is like a cross between Guitar Hero and Amplitude, with you moving your ship left and right on a track to line up with a button that you then press in time to the music. Then there are sections that are…
Jackbox Party Pack 6 — Bringing the party pack back
Once again, a Jackbox Party Pack has a couple of outstanding games and a couple of weaker ones. The handful of great games kept us entertained quite nicely, and the more disappointing ones were simply ignored after a couple of rounds.
Warhammer Quest II — The End Times works on mobile, but ported?
Warhammer Quest II — The End Times is the provocatively named sequel to, erm, Warhammer Quest and much like the board game it is based upon, it presents a combat-focused dungeon crawling experience with light RPG elements. Sounds good…
Effie — Old Fashioned Tales
An old school 3D Platformer adventure, told by an old guy chatting to his kid. How delightfully meta!
Dawn of Man takes Xbox One back to pre-history
Dawn of Man is an ambitious and relatively serious simulation about the earliest stages of the development of humankind that is an unusual fit for consoles. Despite its muddy colours and slow gameplay, however, there’s an addictiveness to…
EarthNight — An Okay Night In
The hand painted auto runner which isn't quite a masterwork.
Don’t Die, Minerva! — Too Cute to Spook
The New Year may be a blurry memory, and Halloween is just a vague shadow in the distant future, but that doesn’t stop the spookiness from flowing and a good ghost story from being told. Although far from spine chilling, this cutesy, spooky…
Shovel Knight: King of Cards — My kingdom for a good Joustus deck
Shovel Knight: King of Cards tells the story of King Knight and his quest to win a tournament against three other kings in order to be the greatest king of them all.