Big Boss Battle
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Azul: Queens Garden – a complex upgrade on the original

Here at BigBossBattle we have a long history with the Azul series. The very first Azul was perhaps our favourite game of 2017, featuring as our best light game of the year. We also loved the second game in this series, known as Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra, thanks to a big change in visual style and gameplay. However, undoubtedly my favourite in the Azul series is the third instalment – known as Azul: Summer Pavilion.

With each of these releases, the complexity has increased incrementally to the point where Summer Pavilion feels like a very different game to the original Azul, albeit with some visual and thematic similarities. This brings me on to Azul: Queens Garden, the fourth and most recent instalment in the series, and by far the most complex.

In Azul: Queens Garden, players will still draft tiles from a central location, but this time, they will also need to consider both the colour of each tile and the image printed on it, and where it might fit in their garden (or rather, in the Queen’s garden.) Tile placement is based on grouping tiles of three together, and there are numerous restrictions on tile-placement which gives Azul: Queens Garden a really crunchy feeling.

Players will also need to consider when and how to draft additional garden tiles (to expand their building space) and how to enclose certain garden features that are already printed on the board. Doing so will yield powerful bonuses and joker tiles, but completing the space around these locations is difficult, due to the placement restrictions as tiles get more and more bunched up.

Whilst Azul: Queens Garden is a very different prospect to the previous iterations of Azul, it most certainly has a home with fans of slightly heavier games. If you like the beautiful visual style of Azul, but found the decisions to be a bit on the light side, then Azul: Queens Garden is going to be well worth a look.

You can find Azul: Queens Garden on Amazon.

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  1. Sally Collingwood says

    This game looks interesting like you could really concentrate and get into it!


    It reminds me of spangles, the sweets in the sixties, but this time you can’t eat them but they sparkle and it looks like chess in a unique way.

  3. Priscilla Stubbs says

    This game looks fascinating and would be a challenge, which I enjoy

  4. Susan B says

    First impression; appealing colour.
    Second impression: delightfully complex and challenging for the older members of the family.

  5. claire woods says

    It’s colourful and sounds as though it involves thinking.

  6. john prendergast says

    looks a cool game to play

  7. Barry crane says

    I have the original, it looks great and like the new mechanic’s love to add this to my collection

  8. Claire says

    This looks a great game and different to the original Azul version. Very colourful, looks a great challenge and I love the look of the tile pieces! Looks a lot of fun!

  9. Laura Pritchard says

    It’s visually very pretty!

    1. Susie MARTIN says

      We as a family have board game night regularly. This looks like a game to keep my adult sons happy and not to use tech.

  10. MR PETER WATSON says

    It’s attractive for all the family,young.old and in-between.

  11. Andrew Cakebread says

    Looks colorful and really captivating

  12. Mark Hopkins says

    The graphics look amazing in this game.

  13. Margaret Ms. Gallagher says

    The graphics – pure class

  14. Katie skeoch says

    It’s a beautiful looking game, I really appreciate that

  15. Jean Vaughan says

    Having played the original Azul I would love the challenges with this advanced set. It really is a beautiful game to play.

  16. Helen W says

    This looks like it will keep the family busy for a while whilst having fun

  17. Adeinne Tonner says

    I like how this is colourful and fun exciting for the family to enjoy.

  18. Paul Bingham says

    Looks a great challenge

  19. James Travis says

    The colourfulness of it and the challenge of it

    1. Pete Nickson says

      Love playing new games this looks a good one

  20. Angela Thompson says

    It looks a real challenge and I love a challenge

  21. Robyn Clarke says

    The game looks awesome, my family and I have become a bit obsessed with board games recently and this looks like a fab addition to our collection.

  22. Linda Curtis says

    Visually it looks great
    its one we haven’t played and as a family who love board games
    we would love to have this

  23. DB says

    looks beautiful

  24. Simon C says

    It looks amazing. I’ve played the original Azul, and it looks like it’s close enough to be easy to learn, but different enough to be a good challenge in its own right. I’d love to have a go and find out how good it is. And just like the original, the visual look of the game is excellent.

  25. Ruth Davies says

    Love the vibrant colours, really draws you in.

  26. Richard Saunders says

    It looks like one of those games that simple to pick up but has hidden strategic layers

  27. marktiger69 says

    Looks like its a great game to play

  28. Bev Cannar says

    Looks like you have to really think about this game !

  29. Janine Atkin says

    it looks like something my son would enjoy

  30. Patricia Avery says

    Love the sparkling tiles and it would be great as an upgrade to Nan’s games cupboard now my oldest grandchildren are young adults but still love board games when they come to stay.

  31. Liz Atkin says

    its very eye catching!

  32. Joyce Willis says

    Looks like something that we could really get our teeth into on games night

  33. Sheri Darby says

    I think this game looks really exciting and thought provoking

  34. Steven k says

    This looks gorgeous, no idea what’s going on but intriguing!

  35. PAULINE HILL says


  36. Sheila Reeves says

    This game looks as if it will be a real challenge, great to get into to on games night here

  37. Violet Phillippo says

    It looks like a really involved and challenging game which we need, especially on winter evenings.

  38. Logan Gavan says

    i like that a bit of thought is involved

  39. Graham A says

    it very colourful

  40. tracy alcock says

    The Game looks challenging I am intrigued to play it

  41. Julie Camm says

    This game looks challenging, one my family would very much be up for

  42. Tracey Anderson says

    The game looks very interesting and pleasing to the eye

  43. Andrea F says

    I love all the colours

  44. Adrian Bold says

    I like different games, and this certainly looks unique.

  45. donna l jones says

    this game looks a good challenge

  46. John Walker says

    I like the fact that it looks like a different type of game.

  47. Claire Hamilton says

    Sounds like fun and something my kids would like to try out.

  48. chris bull says

    I like that it will take a lot of thought and working out, I do love a game that is challenging

  49. Patricia Barrett says

    I’ve not tried a new game in a while, so this would be great to try out.

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