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Atomic Heist Video Review — A Rapid-Fire, Twin-Stick Roguelike


Atomic Heist challenges you to escape an alien mothership while keeping your nuclear cargo intact.

Live Aliens’ Atomic Heist takes place is an unfortunate future. One where Humanity and another faction wasted years of potential friendship warring while a greater threat loomed.

Now the great threat, the Rhaokyn, are here and they’ve already taken one of the human stations. Players have to escape from the station, Hyperion-Six, with the impulse core as to make sure that the Rhaokyn do not capture the technology.

Atomic Heist is a roguelike, twin-stick shooter which combines the rapid-fire gameplay and power-ups of the shooter genre with the randomised enemies and procedural level design of the roguelike genre. In addition to this, different enemies are weak to different types of weapons, adding a degree of tactics to the fast-paced shooter.

You can find Stefan’s video review of the title above, or head over to our Youtube channel to find more video reviews.

Atomic Heist is available now for PC, and Xbox One.

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