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Antihero Early Build Goes to Itch.Io First Access.


Tim Conkling, in partnership with Versus Evil, has launched the first batch of their First Access codes for upcoming title Antihero.

Antihero, original annnounced back in 2015, sees you heading up a Thieves guild as you attempt to dominate a Victorian era city through less-than-legal means. It’s played out through a turn-based strategic layer, with an average scuffle intended to last no more than an hour; although the game will also contain a campaign as well as online multiplayer.

First Access, for those unaware, is an option developers on can use to limit the amount of codes distributed to potential beta testers; the idea being that you get the developmental feedback that you might get from a beta test, or Early Access launch, but with a self-set playerbase meaning you are less to suffer the negative effects of such lauches, and avoid players who do not understand the two-way feedback required with in-development titles.

Antihero doesn’t currently have a release date, you can find it’s page here, where there are currently around 120 more slots for access at an affordable $10.00.

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