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AdventureX 2018 — A Light in Chorus, Blood Money and Lake


A Light in Chorus

A Light in Chorus is a fantastic exploration game littered with puzzle elements all revolving around light and data. The premise is enigmatic: ‘What if you had to rebuild Earth — using only the contents of the 1977 Voyager Record?’ It plays out as an otherworldly experience where you explore dotted shadows of moments in time, calibrating lights and frequencies to bring elements of reality into sight.

I certainly wouldn’t go as far as saying I understood what I was doing, but the tools within the game and the overall presentation were utterly overwhelming, and I had trouble getting up from the game to move onto the next.

A Light in Chorus will launch for PC in the future.

Blood Money

Blood Money is a well-written piece of interactive fiction hosted via Choice of Games. It immerses you in the role of a blood magician with a connection to the underworld — both magical and criminal. Surrounded by your powerful and mysterious criminal family, the journey to investigate a murder brings up some dangerous and potentially influential decisions.

We played through the first chapter and were impressed with the wide range of options presented throughout a rich world setting, compared to genre siblings that lay player choice light on the ground. You can play the first three chapters for free or purchase it on Steam, Android, Amazon or iOS.


Lake is pretty relaxing, as narrative experiences go. Stepping into the shoes of a woman returned to her home town after losing her job, you take up your new job as a postwoman delivering post around the neighbourhood. Through the simple mechanics of driving around, exiting the vehicle and dropping off post, you get to rediscover places and people from your past — and start to reveal your reasons for leaving.

We played through one day in the demo, ending on a conversation with an old acquaintance, where we could choose the tone of the conversation and how much information we revealed through dialogue options. Before this point, we were impressed with the overall ambience — from the comments as you drive past familiar places to the scenery and music on the radio. Lake is currently under development by Gamious.

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