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Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Out Now on Linux & Mac

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – Astonishing remaster of Master System classic now available for both Mac & Linux platforms in addition to Windows, Xbox One, PS4 & Switch.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, which launched earlier in the year for most platforms, is now available for Mac and Linux machines via the Steam store thanks to the continued efforts of Lizardcube.

The 2017 remaster has been on the receiving end of a lot of praise, and deservedly so, Omar Cornut of Lizardcube has earned a strong reputation for his efforts decoding the original title via hex editor -if you’ve a spare while, and are interested in such things then read this TIGforum thread- and the team’s efforts in actual remastering rather than conventional modernising have completely paid off.

What I mean by this, without getting sappy, is that when a book or film is remastered each brush stroke or shot is redone with modern technology. Compare this with the ‘remastering’ efforts of some companies, wherein a new version of the game is made from the ground up, incidentally similar, rather than built on the old frame, and there’s a stark difference.

The remastering isn’t simply the game’s visuals however, the game’s audio was all re-recorded on real-world instruments (rather than created through a soundchip), while extra (character specific) areas were added. You also have the opportunity to play the game as Wonder Girl, and there’s a new difficulty mode which sees your life drained away on a timer.

Those who haven’t seen the game in action can do so via the recent trailer, below.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is now available on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC, Mac & Linux,

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