Big Boss Battle
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Woten: Extensive Level-Length Gameplay GIF Detailed


I’ve been watching Woten for a while now. Its SNES-style visuals combined with the clear intent of the developer, Grapple Bug, to make the most out of single-screen scenarios had me gripped from the first GIF that I stumbled across during one of my Twitter-trawls.

The developer recently took to TIGSource to explain exactly what was happening in one of their latest GIFs, which you can see below.

Nip on over to give it a read, or if you’re lazy you can read my quick synopsis here; Woten’s ground-pound and headbutts are really the character’s only way of altering the world around them, you can see the ground-pound is used to cause the cloud to storm, clearing the way. In addition we also see the headbutt used to stun the snake, which would otherwise be deadly. As it turns out the snake can damage enemies that even the headbutt cannot; meaning they can be used in your favour if you are careful.

What has really stuck out to me through all of the various moments of the game that have been showcased is the way that most of the level is not revealed at level-start, with exploration peeling back layers of ground to show the expanded level.

That, and how busy the levels are. It brings back fond memories of the XBLIG Platformance titles from Magiko Gaming,

While there’s no lead on when the game will launch, if you’re eager on keeping up to speed with it then you’ll do no wrong in following the developer on Twitter – @grapplebug

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