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Watch: First Look at The Assassin, a Deadly Enemy Coming in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

Firaxis have released a new trailer that takes a deeper look at The Assassin, one of the three alien champions who will be persisting against players in the upcoming XCOM 2 expansion, War of the Chosen.

The Assassin will join The Warlock, and The Hunter, in trying to hunt down the Commander in the upcoming expansion. Focusing on both stealth and melee The Assassin will likely cause a lot of complications for players who spread their units thin during engagements.

The three chosen will level up as the campaign continues, fleeing just before they are defeated only as to return stronger later on.

The chosen are just one of the new features coming to the expansion, which also adds noise sensitive hordes tucked in ruined cities from the alien invasion; three ‘friendly’ factions who can ally with The Commander, but dislike each other; and a bunch of new weapons and classes to suit.

You can find the new trailer below, and you can find out everything we know about War of the Chosen here.

War of the Chosen releases on August 29th for PC, Xbox One & PS4.

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