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Video Review | Seum: Speedrunners from Hell (Xbox One)

Video Review | Seum: Speedrunners from Hell (Xbox One)

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell is a heavy metal, first-person, speed-running platformer, and that’s about all you really need to know about it before diving into the above review of the Xbox One version, as presented by Removeablesanity.

The game, which describes itself as resembling a bastard child of Quake 3 and Super Meat Boy, follows protagonist Marty as he journey’s through hell to recover his beer — which was just pinched by a demon. Combining his gut of iron, and a recently acquired and attached demon arm which can fling fireballs, he must dash, jump, and bounce his way through the burning depths of the afterlife.

Below is the feature’s list from the game’s Steam page:

  • Can’t get much more old school than this!

  • 100 levels, each more devilish than the last, with secrets around every corner. 

  • Shoot fireballs, reverse gravity, teleport and dodge obstacles to solve challenges. 

  • Leaderboards in each level so you can see how you fare against your friends (and enemies). 

  • An original soundtrack that’ll make you rampage through the levels with blazing speed.

  • Level editor

  • 666

Seum:- Speedrunners from hell is available now on PC (Steam Link), Xbox One (Microsoft Store) & PS4 (PSN)

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