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Video Review | Raining Blobs (Xbox One X)

Bust a blob


Raining Blobs, from developer Endi Milojkoski and publisher Black Shell Media, is a fast-paced puzzle game which sees players pairing falling blobs in a variety of modes, including a 16-screen vs mode.

The falling-blocks puzzle game, which launched on PC, Mac and Linux in early 2016, arrived on the Xbox One in late 2017. You can find Stefan’s review of the game above.

There are four modes included in the game, with an endless mode, a 100-level strong challenge mode, a tournament versus mode, and an arcade mode. While the challenge mode is interesting, it’s the arcade mode’s multiplayer which stands out with it’s up-to 16 games on screen at once (as 8 humans, 8 AI). It might not be a technological accomplishment, but it looks outstanding in motion.

Raining Blobs is available now on PC, Mac & Linux (Via Steam), Xbox One, and Android.

  1. Dann Sullivan says

    This looks very reminiscent of Mean Bean Machine, which was an absolutely outstanding game. Tempted to give this a go.

  2. Endi Milojkoski says

    Thanks for the great review!

  3. Brian Gillett-Smith says

    Looks great actually! I loved Mean Bean Machine and see no reason to not feel the same about this! Will be adding it to my wishlist for sure.

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