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Video Games News Round-up: 14th of January 2017: Elusive Chameleon


Hello, and welcome to today’s video games round-up where we settle down at roughly 9PM GMT and link out to the shifts in the industry that we’ve covered, and those that we haven’t.

Sheesh, I forgot how quiet Saturdays can be for news at the start of the year, although obviously the Switch has somewhat muted most companies until the start of next week, after all, who wants to be caught in the shadow of something like that?

As it’s the weekend it’s a time for rest and gaming, at least for those of us based in offices. Of course, most of us are up to positively top secret things here at B3, but I can tell you that I managed to sit down with the latest Hitman Elusive yesterday, which was a bit of a delight.

The Colorado map is an odd beasty, all of the other maps include extensive corridors and several floors (and tunnels/basements), while Colorado just bares all in an open plan ‘outpost’ completely prime for sniping.

The elusive, then, was clever. Tucked away in what I recall as the only three storey building in the level, and having to be killed by non shooty, bangy, thwacky, snappy, or stabby means.

Ultimately I ended up doing the ol’ ‘Distract-em-all-with-a-series-of-thrown-objects-then-pop-em-in-the-back-with-a-syringe’ trick – oldest trick in the book.

What are you playing this weekend?


Video Games News, From B3’s Mouth,

Op-Ed/News – On the Ultra Street Fighter II (Switch) Announce Trailer
News – Pit People, Which is Out Now On Xbox Preview & Early Access, Gets a Launch Trailer
News – Titanfall: Frontline Officially Cancelled by Nexon

And, here’s what we didn’t get the chance to cover, from the source.
  • Confirmation came out (late yesterday actually) that the free NES/SNES game that would come with the Nintendo Switch’s online service will only be playable during the month of its issuing. While not mega scandalous -after all, it will work no differently than a beta, and promotes rather than nullifies sales- it is a tad unusual when looking at PS+ & Live. The news came from Chris Kohler, of Wired.
  • DSOGaming highlighted the fact that a fan has made an impressive foray into bringing The Netherhood into the modern age with an Unreal Engine version. Specifically the creator (Ravenok) is attempting to recreate the demo that was released for the title; what happens after that we’ll have to wait and see. For now though, head over through the link to check it out, it’s very impressive so far.
  • Dead Effect 2, the visually impressive first person shooter that definitely isn’t a love child of Dead Space & Mass Effect, was confirmed as launching on Xbox One & PS4 on January 18th. There’s a trailer you can check out over on the developer’s Youtube.
  • Battlecrew Space Pirates, from Dontnod Eleven -a sister studio to the Vampyr and Life is Strange developer- is launching into closed beta on January 19th. There’s details on the 2D multiplayer shooter’s beta on their Steam community page.
  • Titanfall 2 is set to receive another free DLC drop in the near future, this one bringing three maps, two of which are for a new 6 vs 6 pilot mode called Live Fire. There’s also several more additions, including commander intros, pilot executions and more. Details from the Titanfall blog.
  • I’m guessing this is super cool news to someone, like maybe someone who runs a video gaming pub quiz. Kratos’ son has had his name confirmed as Atreus. It was confirmed in a Tweet by game director Cory Barlog following a fan finding out the name from the recently released E3 audio track.
  • Card City Nights 2 was officially announced over on the Ludosity blog, the developer also confirmed that the sequel would include online multiplayer, and they’ll be running beta tests soon.
  • CS:GO received a bunch of eSports themed content over on it’s Steam page, stickers, autographed stickers, and graffiti. Seems nice, if that’s your cup of tea. Deets on the official site.
  • Aaand big news for me at least, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap was among the titles that were announced as heading over to the Switch over on Lizardcube’s blog.

We run these round-ups from Monday to Saturday, so make sure to check back tomorrow.

If you think we missed something then why not drop it into the comments below? We’ll jump right on getting it fixed.

1 Comment
  1. Dann Sullivan says

    Frankly, I’ll also be playing some more Aurion:Legacy of the Kori-Odan. Hopefully I’ll get some me time tomorrow, or catch a game of Payday 2 with a pal of mine; but I rarely get to plan such things

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