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Top 5 Not so Scary Halloween Games

I love Halloween just as much as the next person! I like dressing up, getting candy, decorating the  house, and, well everything pumpkin themed. What I don’t enjoy is the horror aspect of Halloween. Each year I am presented with many, many horror games that I just don’t want to play. Instead, I opt for cute Halloween games.

Games without jumpscares, horrifiying monsters, and free of some plot to murder someone, playing games that follow the Halloween spirit, without actually scaring the life out of me. It’s these that make it feel more like the Halloween season. Below are a few of my absolute favorite Not So Scary Halloween Games;


Not So Scary Halloween Games

A Halloween love story, could there even be a better one? First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree is a visual novel with beautiful graphics, about you and your best friend going to a Halloween party. There are loads of cute monsters here and you have never been kissed before, so there is no better opportunity. You’re awkward, cute, loveable. Your best friend is encouraging and helpful. 

You’re able to talk to various party guests, find one you get along well with, and have your first ever kiss. The game itself has various endings (so you can kiss everyone if you’d like!) and is truly an adorable experience. The writing is lovely as well.

You can find First Kiss at Spooky Soiree on PC and Android

Skeletal Dance Party

Ever want to just dance your way through life? In Skeletal Dance Party, you have the option to even keep people dancing after they have died! You’re a necromancer that just wants to have an epic dance party, but with skeletons. As it turns out, skeletons come from enemies who have been killed, then been brought back to life by your magic skills.

Everyone is attacking you anyway, as they feel that you raising the dead is wrong, so you might as well destroy them and use them for your party. Skeletal Dance Party has some epic music, cute graphics, and a funny story. You can even pick up some special party guests along the way and have the best party ever. This is a really good fit for not so scary Halloween games.

Skeletal Dance Party is currently on sale, on 

Kick or Treat

Kick or Treat is a pretty simple concept; trick or treating. Everyone is knocking on your door hoping for some of your candy. It is Halloween after all. So you’ll need to give the children who come whatever type of candy they ask for. It’s only fair.

The only issue is the monsters that have come out for Halloween as well. They seem to have dressed themselves up and knocked at your door in hopes of capitalizing on this candy-filled night. Instead of feeding the monsters, you must quickly punch them in the face before closing your door. You’ll get trick or treaters in groups of two, but you’ll need to be fast to keep up! The graphics are very cute in this game and it’s not at all horrific.

You can find Kick or Treat on PC, Android and iOS.

Haunt the House: Terror Town

One of my all time favorite not so scary Halloween games — a game that I do think about each and every year, Haunt the House: Terror Town is about a ghost who wants everyone to just GO TO SLEEP. Being a ghost is hard work — you’re dead, everyone’s loud. You just want to sleep. That’s all you need in the afterlife. 

Playing as the ghost, you get to go from house to house, causing scares by possessing objects and freaking out people so they leave. Making them leave will end the party and allow you to sleep in peace. The graphic style in Haunt the House: Terror Town is wonderful and cute, as is the ghost you play as. It’s very fun figuring out what you need to possess and how you can interact with the humans around you. 

You can find Haunt the House: Terror Town on PC, Android and iOS.

Spooky Station

Something a little different, Spooky Station is actually a collection of games, all made by different developers, to be released around Halloween. With nine games in the bundle, we have some games that edge on something more creepy, but quite a few have a very cute aesthetic and demeanor. Spooky Cooking has you simply throwing a pumpkin into a cauldron — using just one button — in an attempt to make some witch-y stew. 

Cosmic Rain is a match three meets platformer game that has you trying to gather cute blobs into their groupings. Worship the Demon Lord with Friends, the most adorable looking game in the bundle, has you playing what looks like the most cuddly monsters who just want to worship their demon lord the best. 

With such a variety of games, this is a bundle that literally anyone would enjoy.

You can pick up Spooky Station on Steam. 

Enjoy horror games? Check out our list of great free Horror games that you can play right now.

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