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Throw Throw Burrito — The name says it all

Throw Throw Burrito is a unique combination of a card game mixed with dodgeball, from the minds behind Exploding Kittens and Bears Vs Babies, where your ball is actually a squishy burrito.

Throw Throw Burrito is made for two to six players, played over two rounds. It starts with each player being dealt fifteen cards which forms their hands and the remainder of the deck is split evenly to form the community draw piles, then placed into the centre of the table with the two squishy Burritos. These are just some of the components in the box. 

The box contains 120 cards, two squishy burritos, six bruise tokens and one fear me badge. The artwork on the front of the cards is similar to their previous games in that it is a hand drawn, cartoon style that much matches everything they create.

Throw Throw Burrito

The basics of the game revolves around players continuously drawing and discarding cards. Players draw from the right and discards to the left as fast as possible, which creates draw pile for the player to the left of you to use. They can then score points by matching three of same cards which have names like Barky Sharky & Logger Dogger. These cards all have their own character, which again reflects the theming that this developer seems to have across all board games; silly match ups and funny artwork.

The fun begins when the burritos become weaponized. This happens when you draw and play three of the same action cards. The action cards come in three types: Brawl, Duel & War, these allow the players to throw the burritos at each others, at speed. 

  • Burrito Brawl – Players to left and right of the person who played the actions rush to grab the Burritos and launch them at each other. 
  • Burrito Duel – The person who plays this action can choose two players including themselves to have a wild west style duel.
  • Burrito War – All other players except the person who played the action try to hit each other.

Throw Throw Burrito

Once action cards are played, the player who gets hit with the burrito or a player that plays the action card incorrectly by misremembering what it does, gain a burrito scar token.The action cards make players gain burrito scars if they are hit with a burrito. Points are lost by gaining scars. Once all the scar tokens have been distributed to the players hit by the burrito, the round ends. At the end of the round, each player adds up their scores then the player with the most points earns the Fear Me Badge and the second round begins.

If at the end of the second round, someone else wins other than the person with the Fear Me Badge they must duel to decide the overall winner. The wild west style duel involves one on one throwing of burritos, after a back to back moment and a countdown. 

The first time we played the game, we played it wrong as we waited for others to finish their turn (placing down their card to the player on the left) which slowed the pace of the game down and the community draw pile wasn’t used which made the game not very enjoyable. 

On the second play through we realised our mistake and the game became fun and fast paced, as it’s just a rush to look and place as fast as possible. On this play, one player was a lot slower at drawing and discarding than others and the community draw pile ended up being used. This draw pile is meant to be used if your left draw pile is completely empty, so that you can still pass cards quickly.

Throw Throw Burrito is fun and would be a good party game, especially if you have a lot of space in your house to wrestle over burritos or have wild west showdown. However, it isn’t really a game for children to play with adults because the burrito can be thrown with some velocity and does actually hurt if thrown too hard.

You do need space to play this game to allow for people to dodge or hide, and if you do not have the space, I would recommend playing the small room variation which I discovered after playing Throw Throw Burrito initially. You also really need to make sure there is nothing breakable within the vicinity of the play area, especially with competitive players.

The groups view of the game, unlike my personal opinion, was mixed. Some people liked it for the unique and fun factors, others thought it was just a gimmick with not a lot of balanced gameplay. We had some injuries from playing this game I was hit in the eye and another player hurt their wrist, but that could just be from our competitive nature and small space to play it in. My version of the game also had a huge, inflatable burrito version that can be played outside. We probably would have had a better experience with this, as there is more room outside.

You can sign up for a copy of Throw Throw Burrito on their website.

Looking to get your friends or family into board games? Check out our list of great, accessible games, perfect for just that, here.

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