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The Wild Eight Transitions to Early Access Soft Launch Next Week

Fntastic, previously known as Eight Points, have detailed their plans for The Wild Eight’s PC launch, with amendments of the previous plan to launch at v1.0 being swapped out for a soft, Early Access launch.

The Wild Eight will launch into Early access on the 8th of February for Windows PC at a price point of $19.99. The game will stay there for around three months as new features are added in to bring it up to the complete version, meaning we should see a full release around May/June time.

Planned features include:

  1. Game balance and bug fixes based on your feedback
  2. New side-quests and objects
  3. A more advanced combat system including shooting
  4. Better user interface and map
  5. New languages
  6. Mac and Linux Support

The developers stressed that multiplayer is already fully functional, and that early access players will be rewarded for their early purchases.

Our Brian previewed the game shortly after its Kickstarter last year.

It’s a bit unusual that its heading to early access as the developers did infer they wouldn’t need to go through that step in an early announcement, although there’s no signs of any thing untoward going on from what I can see.

The Wild Eight will launch on Steam, Xbox One & PS4 later this year.

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