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The Sacred Acorn has you trying to save the world

The Sacred Acorn is an adorable, narrative-driven adventure game where you play as a little squirrel who is looking to fix a tree of life that has fallen ill. Because the tree is no longer acting the way it should, the creatures of the forest have started attacking each other. Looking to fix this, you need to explore the land and solve puzzles to restore your world.

The Sacred Acorn has a large world you can explore around, attacking different sides of bushes and unlocking new areas using the acorns you dig up in the ground. There are tons of different characters that you can bump into; some looking to figure your direction and help you, but others are looking to attack anything they see. 

You see, the world is being corrupted – with everything the tree touches turns into badlands. You will need to find your way around the land in an attempt to harness the ancient power of the essence and stop this corruption at its core. The Sacred Acorn has a lot of little puzzles that can unlock other areas of the game or help you along your journey. These puzzles feel well designed and provide a goal beyond exploring.

Finding acorns by exploring everywhere is also a major focus of the game, especially as acorns are buried in the ground and you need them to unlock various areas of the game. There is a sort of charm to the world and to the characters you meet in The Sacred Acorn that really captivated me and made me want to save this adorable, little world filled with confused animals that just need some guidance from the tree they all once used. 

The Sacred Acorn

Currently, there is no release date for The Sacred Acorn, however you can play a demo and wishlist the game on Steam.

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