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Teardown’s voxel-based destruction is unlike any other

TearDown is the most advanced voxel physics game I have ever played, in both a graphics and physics-rendering perspective. 

It is also the most fun I have ever had during my time playing games on PC. Teardown is about finding your own unique ways to break things using either tools that are given to you progressively, or with the use of user-made Items accessed via the Steam Workshop.

Similar to other sandbox games, like Gmod, Teardown gives the player the freedom to do whatever they want within the parameters of the maps that they choose to destroy. It is both simple and very complex in the way that it works. Everything is designed around blocks, being that everything has an 8-bit design — likely due to its very demanding physics. With the physics being so advanced, I would only recommend it to people who own a moderately powerful PC, as playing on a computer with low-range spec can quickly result in very low frame rates and choppy gameplay. In my experience, the lowered frame rates are fine, to an extent, in that the game is still fun to play, but many budget-based players might find it almost unplayable. 

Teardown also features a campaign mode, although I find that it is very bare bones. The main highlight of the campaign mode is the narrative that you, the player, work for a Teardown Company and are tasked with pulling off demolitions from shady customers, and try to make it out without getting caught. Through completing tasks you are given tasks by more shady customers and use their money to buy a bigger arsenal of tools and weapons.

From sledgehammers to flamethrowers, You will be given harder tasks which need to be planned out more thoroughly as the levels progress. It makes for very good way to spend time when you have nothing to do and also sets an objective, which is something most sandbox games fail to do effectively. My main criticism of this game mode is that the end goal is not very clear and often the reward is not very fulfilling, as once you have gained all of the tools you need you simply start earning money and status, which is not used for much.

The missions can also start to feel repetitive and do not offer much variety other than being more difficult as you progress. Otherwise, the physics pair very well with the overall story and completing missions does give a sense of meaning in what you do, rather than mindlessly destroying things until you become bored. 

With all of this taken into consideration, I find that my favourite part of this game and the reason for buying it is most definitely the Steam Workshop integration. The ability to create your own modified weapons and maps alongside being able to download other people’s creations is the main reason why I will continue to come back to this game again and again. It allows other players to access endless downloadable content, to further increase the effectiveness of Teardown‘s versatile sandbox mode.

Getting bored of the sledgehammer? Why don’t you download a useable railgun and take it to a user-made rendition of Hogwarts? It’s features like this that mean the game will continue to have new content; In fact, the only way this game can ever become stale is if the vast, evergrowing and passionate community decides to stop making new content, which I don’t foresee happening for years to come.

Overall, Teardown is incredibly fun and incredibly interesting from both a gameplay and technological standpoint. Integrating great physics, graphics and versatility means that this game excels at creating a fun environment for everyone to enjoy in their own way, and it sure did a great job of impressing me and keeping me engaged. Relying very heavily on the player’s imagination means that the possibilities are seemingly endless. This game is not for people who are looking for a good story, but that’s not the point of it at the end of the day.

Teardown is available now for Windows PC, Xbox and Playstation 5.


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