Big Boss Battle
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Aaero 2 – Ribbon riders

I hope you like dub-step and dub-step equivalent music. Every song is very intense and falls into categories that could easily be described as adjacent to that genre. They certainly fit the theme of the world around you as you’re flying…

Indika – All bar nun

Indika is an experience that I’d wager good money on you having not had in another game before. The story is unique and handled in an interesting way and the world is wonderfully off-kilter with all sorts of strange scenes.

Backpack Hero – Spark joy

You’ll enter the dungeon with a small backpack and a handful of basic equipment, normally a weapon, shield and a consumable item. You’ll move around a node-based map, finding treasure and events as well as enemies to confront. Combat is…

Tales from Candleforth – Wycan

The narrative is told in an interesting way, with lots of visual interpretation and foreshadowing, even though this game only clocks in at two hours or so. It’s helped considerably by the hand drawn art style that gives everything an almost…

Terminal 81 – End of the line

Each day Lorena heads to work, chats to the locals, and heads home. Before long though, she finds out that young women have been disappearing from the area. In fact the position she fills at the store is only as a result of her predecessor…

Desolatium – Empty

Puzzles were equally frustrating as well, but not due to them being difficult as such. It’s often fairly obvious that combining something acidic with a padlock will allow you to open a door. The annoyance comes from how difficult it is to…

Project 13 – Unlucky for all

Project 13 is another entry in the rapidly-growing 3D spot the difference genre. If you consume much gaming content on YouTube, you’ve probably seen The Exit 8 crop up here and there. If you aren’t familiar, it’s a game in which you walk…