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Staple, Gun — fight to save the future

UK tabletop game developer Last Wynter Ltd has launched a Kickstarter campaign for Staple, Gun — a card game where you have to save the future.

Development of Staple, Gun was started in 2017 by friends Sam and Mark after struggling to find a suitable 30-minute game that was easy to pick up and play anywhere. They wanted a game that was not only quick to pick up and play, but also an experience which didn’t require smaller pieces like tokens. They decided to create their own. It revolves around the building of combos from cards that players draw and play, rather than just discarding them — many cards become more powerful if they are kept to the second phase of the game.

In Staple, Gun, you have to save the future from the tyrannical Badass Harry. You can do this in two ways, either by killing him or by setting him on a better path while he is still modern-day Hapless Harry. 


There are three different types of cards: office staff, assassins, and also chaos cards — which are designed to disrupt and prevent other player’s plans.

The game consists of two phases: a Main Phase, where players draw and play cards, and a final free-for-all Brawl Phase. 

During the Main Phase, players hold three cards in their hand. If they find Harry in the deck, the player can either choose to either fire him (with a gun or a redundancy letter) or keep him alive for the Brawl Phase.

If Harry isn’t fired when the deck runs out, the game enters the Brawl Phase. In this phase, players choose one card from their played cards to fight. Another card can be used to assist, using their Support ability — anything from throwing a staple gun or creating a distraction, giving extra chances to win.

The Hapless Harry and Badass Harry cards in Staple, Gun
The Hapless Harry and Badass Harry cards in Staple, Gun

Staple Gun has been designed for 4 to 6 players, with each game lasting approximately half an hour.

Kickstarter rewards start at £1 for a ‘thank you’ and £7 for a thank you and a Staple, Gun pin. For £10, you will receive a Print and Play version of the game. Reward tiers of £18 and higher include a full, physical copy of the game. There is a £100 tier which includes a Meet and Greet with the developers, or for £150, you can help to create your own custom character for the game.

Currently, Staple, Gun has reached £448 of its £10,000 funding goal, and ends in 16 days on Friday 14th February at 3pm UTC. Visit the Kickstarter campaign page to back the project.

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