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Sniper Elite 4’s Pre-Order Bonus Gives you the Chance to off Hitler; Trailer and Details Within

Customers who pre-order Sniper Elite 4 will be able to eliminate Adolf Hitler, Rebellion have confirmed in a press release; they also released a trailer showing off the setting for the assassination.

The Sniper Elite series has leapt forward in amazing bounds over it’s four entry series; since his first outing undercover in Berlin Karl Fairburne has become much better equipped in his role as a sniper, he’s also gone from the tight winding set pieces of Berlin through the North African theatre to SE4’s Italian campaign.

Some things however haven’t changed, as you might expect, for a start, the game retains the series’ World War II setting; and also, much like Sniper Elite V2 & Sniper Elite III before it, you’ll be getting a bonus mission to off the Führer.

Target: Führer will be available to players who pre-order the title’s physical or digital versions. It’s an extra level for the game which takes place in its own unique map; including a U-boat facility. It’s also playable in co-operative.

New features to Sniper Elite 4 (I am unsure why they have yo-yo’d between numerals and numbers)  include takedowns, even larger maps than the predecessor, and environmental hazards which give the player the chance to take out targets in a fashion that casts less suspicion over themselves.

Target: Führer is included FREE with ALL retail and digital pre-order editions of Sniper Elite 4 and will also be available to purchase when the game launches worldwide on February 14th, 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.”

Source: Press Release


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