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Sniper Elite 4 Story Trailer Series Starts by Telling us of Italy in 1943

Rebellion have released the first in a series of trailers detailing the various settings and history of their upcoming title, Sniper Elite 4.

Sniper Elite, the long running (11 years!) third-person, stealth-action series has it’s fourth full entry launching in February of next year. To celebrate this ever approaching date the developers have begun a video series of SOE Intel briefings about the Italy that Karl Fairburne (and possibly co-op partner) will be fighting through.

The narrative director on the project, Colin Harvey, also added some more details in a post on the Playstation Blog, confirming that the game’s maps will be ‘at least three times bigger’ than those of the last entry, and that alternate routes might be revealed through searching bodies.

SE4 will see you deployed to Italy before the allied invasion with a goal of destablising the realm by taking out key targets, as well as fighting alongside Partisan fighters, as well as coming face to face with Black Brigade fighters as well as, apparently, the Italian Mafia.


Sniper Elite 4 is set to release in mid February for PS4, Xbox One & PC.

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