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Sea Salt sees you controling a cult!

Sea Salt gives you a grungy, dark world that is just begging to become chaos. This action strategy game puts you in the position of a being who can summon horrific creatures to rain havoc upon the humans within the land.

As you explore the land around you, humans will run away and try to avoid you. You can send off your followers and yourself to kill those who are trying to escape. These humans will sometimes fight back, but you are normally much stronger and greater in number, so you’ll have a decent chance of fighting back in Sea Salt.

The characters you summon and control come in a variety of types, from ghosts that shoot projectiles, to fast moving worms that swarm and destroy those in their path. Once you have cleared all of the humans from a specific area, a new area will open up, allowing you to continue your delivery of destruction against humanity.

Sea Salt

In Sea Salt, there are various points where you can change exactly what you are summoning and controlling. These points come in the form of tarot card readings, which will give you new monsters to try and control. You’ll move the entire horde at once, picking what path you want them all to travel through — however, they will automatically attack when in the proximity of a target.

Sea Salt

I was able to play through a bit of Sea Salt while at Develop: Brighton where the dark and spooky game was on display among an otherwise bright and colorful showcase. That said, Sea Salt is a very fun game especially if you’re into slowly destroying the world with a variety of swarming monsters. I quite liked my time with the game, especially enjoying the style decisions behind the tarot card readings that alter your future horde additions.

Sea Salt is coming out later this year, but for now, you can wishlist it on Steam.

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