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Save the planet and save the cats in action-platformer Catpocalypse Meow.

‘Save the kitties! Save the world!’ — that’s the goal in Catpocalypse Meow, a Saturday morning cartoon style platformer.

Catpocalypse Meow, from FraxelGames, truly captures the 90s Cartoon Network style, with colour-coded, kid superheroes setting off to save the world from evil. Evil, in this case, is the manifested form of all of protagonist Angus’ fears. As it turns out, he’s got a pretty wild imagination — you’ll be fighting teachers, goblins, tentacles and more.

It’s an action platformer at its core, albeit one with an interesting roster of characters — each one of the groups of friends has their own powers and specialities. Some are stronger than the rest, others are ranged rather than melee. But they’re all out for one thing; to save the people (and cats) of CatsVille. They achieve this through launching cats at the horrible things which are attacking the town — fighting evil with cuteness.

As you can see in the trailer, there’s a lot going on in the game. Dodge jumps, melee combos, mid-combat transformations, as well as some puzzle platforming. It definitely seems well thought out and there’s a lot on show considering the trailer is only just over a minute and thirty seconds in length.

When I was originally pitched Catpocalypse Meow at Pocket Gamer Connects’ Big Indie Pitch, earlier in the year, I was told that the finished game will be treated as though it is comprised of ‘episodes’ rather than levels. It is an interesting approach and one that keeps with the cartoon influences that run throughout. The developer was extremely enthusiastic, barely pausing to breathe.

Catpocalypse Meow remains a game which I am interested in, sadly the developers have been quiet for some time. If you want to find out more about the game then you can visit the website or follow the developer on Twitter.

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