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Potion Punch 2 — It’s nearly cooking

Cooking potions and preparing fish is very much like cooking meals, as such, Potion Punch 2 is a cooking game and one I have enjoyed playing. I’ve played far too many levels, got so many upgrades, a favorite character, and yet at level 40 I often die — but that’s okay!

Potion Punch 2 is a pretty simple game with sleek and polished graphics. You’re basically a potion shop owner, who makes potions to order while also serving grilled fish. Starting off, you’ll have to deal with an extensive tutorial which is, frankly, a little too hand-holding with you. The tutorial primarily covers making potions. It’s easy: You put a bottle on the counter, drag the right color to the potion, drag the potion to the customer. You’ll also need to pick up cash when their order is done and restock, which does take time.

Slowly, various other tasks are added like making a layered potion (two colors on top of each other in one bottle), combining colors to make new colored potions, adding ribbon or corks and dealing with thieves trying to steal your coins. 

To help you combat the massive amount of stuff you need to do, you get to pick a hero at the start of this level. Why are we hiring heroes? Oh who knows, just don’t mention this too loud. Each of these heroes help with different task; increasing customers patience, auto-collecting coins or (my favorite) making sure your grilled fish don’t burn. This is extremely helpful and the heroes do level up over time, but they also determine how much energy it takes to play the level.

Potion Punch 2

Energy slowly replenishes over time, meaning if you play a lot of the game, you are bound to run out and need to take a break. Levels also have different challenges, like not throwing away potions and/or hitting specific goals. If you fail these tasks, you’ll need to restart the level. After you’ve played a level, you can spend your cash upgrading the outside of your restaurant or the inside equipment. You can also throw parties and increase your customer’s level, though I haven’t personally cared much about that because my focus is on my individual restaurant, not helping my customers be better people. 

At the moment, on the iOS version I played, there are two other shops on the map, which when clicked, say ‘coming soon’ — I don’t know what these are, but am probably going to play them into the ground when they are unlocked, as I am pretty addicted to the game if I am honest. The only reason I am typing up this review is because I am waiting for my energy to respawn.

Potion Punch 2

The game contains a premium currency — which is needed for a few specific items and the third upgrade of other basic items. You do get them occasionally when finishing quests or leveling up, so I haven’t spent any money personally, but they are there. You can also find opt-in reward ads to double your cash flow from a level, but again, I haven’t used this thus far. 

Potion Punch 2 is a good game. I really like the visual updates as you make your shop so much nicer and of a higher quality. I’ve played the game a lot and am not bored or sick of it. It’s been a good time.

You can find Potion Punch 2 on iOS and Android.

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