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Play as Chaos Causing Hillbillies in Clodhoppers

I love the look of claymation, so when I saw Clodhoppers at GAMAYO, it peaked my interest. Upon further inspection, I found that the game has you play as a variety of hillbillies who are all fighting each other in various multiplayer rounds. 

Clodhoppers is a single player, or online multiplayer, brawler-based arena game with very quick games and some quirky, claymation art. It’s not just hillbilly farmers you can play as, the roster is also filled out with animals and beings like cows and aliens. Playing each round is as simple as simple as dashing around the multi-tiered 2D arena and battering each other with your limbs or objects you find around the battlefield. There are a few different objectives beyond survival, each one delivered to you at the start of the round. 


Power-ups come in the form of crates that seem to fall from the sky; These give you guns, bombs and other items that might help you stay alive longer. Some rounds require a player to get to a specific number of kills while others require players to be the last one alive and not respawned on the screen. When you die, if you still have lives left, it’s just a short wait until you are back into the action.


Kicking and punching your way through other players is simple enough, with very easy to understand controls. Clodhoppers is simply a good feeling arena brawler that benefits from unique graphics and a pretty funny theme. 

Clodhoppers currently doesn’t have a release date, but you can wishlist the game on Steam to keep up to date with when it is coming out.

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