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OAOA (On And Off Again): New Trailer For Greenlit Title, and Plans for the Year Ahead

OAOA received a new trailer earlier on in the week, one that shows off some new levels and enemy types, highlighting development progress from when the title passed through Greenlight last year.

Tim Keenan, AKA Ginger Biscuit Games, has posted a new update on the community page for their upcoming title OAOA (On and Off Again) which shows off a new trailer showing how the game has come along, and also touches on the developer’s plan to showcase the game at future events as a form of playtesting.

Readers who followed us over from FBF at the start of last year might remember we covered OAOA as it made its way through Greenlight

The new trailer is below, and you can read the -rather short- update over on OAOA’s Steam page.

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